TCAP has finalized the detail design for Funafuti Coastal Adaptation – Reclamation land approximately 250,000 cubic meters of sand from the lagoon to create a 780m long, 100m wide elevated area of land along the Vaiaku waterfront to the north of Queen Elisabeth Park. The Government of Tuvalu has approved the design with the maximum elevation of +5.75m above chart datum which is equivalent to 2.4m above contemporary HAT (Highest Astronomical Tide). The Government is pleased that UNDP Pacific Office in Fiji through the TCAP has used the best available science, projections and modelling to inform the design of the TCAP reclamation and that even under the most extreme conditions modeled out of 2100, over 85-90 percent of the area will remain flood free. The UNDP -TCAP reclamation should remain flood free and safe for at least the next 80yr.