ABSTRACT: Low agricultural productivity and land degradation have become major features of the Anseba region. Over the last three decades, the region has experienced several droughts as well as erratically distributed rains. Other problems include cultivation of marginal land without fallowing, over-grazing, and inappropriate land management, lack of investment in land improvement, inadequate animal feed, depletion of underground water and the natural limitations of the rugged topography. Furthermore, inadequacy of agricultural extension services has contributed to the low level of development of agriculture in this region.
The project will operate in the Habero and Hamelmalo sub-regions. These are ranked in the top five (out of 11) sub-regions most affected by food insecurity, due largely to drought. Habero and Hamelmalo are bisected by the Anseba seasonal river, with base flows that can be strategically harnessed to enhance the availability of water for increased productivity and thus adaptive capacity for vulnerable communities, by expanding small-scale irrigation for vegetable production and rangeland development.