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The Project Document, from November 2009, gives detailed information on the UNDP DRC project. The ProDoc includes a Situation Analysis, with the Global, National and Regional Context, Climate Change Context, Past and Ongoing Activities in the country, Related Donor Assistance, and a Barrier Analysis. Also included is the Project Strategy, Operational Approach, Results and Resources Framework, Budget and Annual Work Plan, Management Arrangements and Coordination Structures, the Monitoring Framework and Evaluation and the Legal Context.

This project seeks to respond to the climate-change induced increased variability in agro-climatic conditions and its impacts on the agriculture sector in the DRC. The agriculture sector forms the basis of livelihood opportunities for the majority of the population.  Although increased rainfall is expected in most parts of the country, model predictions of rainfall distribution (temporal) is uncertain. There is however a high likelihood of the potential for longer intra-seasonal drought.  The project seeks to reduce vulnerability among rural populations in four selected sites by promoting: the renewal of agro-genetic material through provision of germplasm more suited for expected climate conditions, as well as the creation or strengthening of the agricultural chain of support (extension services, technological tools, agro-meteorological information and planning) from local to provincial and national levels.   Building on current rehabilitation and reconstruction efforts, including efforts to promote decentralization and to reform the public sector, the project will facilitate the demonstration of adaptation measures relevant to planning at all levels, taking into account regional specificities.