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The Community-Based Adaptation Programme (CBA), a five-year UNDP global initiative, largely funded by the Global Environment Facility (GEF) along with other donors, held its Final Workshop in Rabat, Morocco on 26-28 November 2012.  The workshop brought together partners from the global, national and local levels to present the lessons learned (both successful results as well as challenges faced) in the implementation of the projects in 10 countries.  Recommendations from all three levels were presented and discussed and will be captured in future CBA initiatives.

Participants included UNDP and GEF SGP management from headquarter offices in New York, USA; UN Volunteers management from the headquarter offices in Bonn, Germany; Representative from the Government of Japan; UNDP Country Office focal points; GEF SGP National Coordinators and National UN Volunteers from the 10 participating countries; and the local NGOs/CBOs and grantees from the Morocco CBA portfolio.