The Project Document, from April 2011, gives detailed information on the project: Enhancing Resilience Of Vulnerable Coastal Areas To Climate Change Risks In Liberia. The ProDoc includes a Situation Analysis, with the Global, National and Regional Context, Climate Change Context, Past and Ongoing Activities in the country, Related Donor Assistance, and a Barrier Analysis. Also included is the Project Strategy, Operational Approach, Results and Resources Framework, Budget and Annual Work Plan, Management Arrangements and Coordination Structures, the Monitoring Framework and Evaluation and the Legal Context.
- UNDAF CP outcome: Improved household food security through increased availability of, access to, and utilization of, food, taking into account sustainable natural resources management, environmental protection and gender concerns.
- UNDAF CP Output: Comprehensive natural resources and environmental management system established.
- UNDP Strategic Plan Environment and Sustainable Development Primary Outcome: The management of the environment by the private and public sectors, and in particular by local collectives, is strengthened.
- UNDP Strategic Plan Secondary Outcome: Mainstreaming environment and energy
- Expected CP Outcome(s): Management and coordination of environmental and ecosystems services and climate change adaptation strategies.
- Expected CPAP Outputs: Energy, environment and climate change adaptation mainstreamed into PRSP and MDG-based strategies.
- Implementing Partner: Ministry of Lands, Mines and Energy
- Implementing Entity/Responsible Partners: United Nations Development Programme