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The project “Enhancing Climate Resilience of India’s Coastal communities" is a collaboration between the Government of India, Government of Odisha, Green Climate Fund, and the United Nations Development Programme. It is being implemented following an ecosystem-based and community-driven approach that would act as a proof of concept for mainstreaming climate change concerns into development plans and policies for both the public and private sector. The initiative will contribute towards the ongoing efforts of the Government in addressing the impacts of the climate induced hazards and disasters on the vulnerable coastal communities particularly women and children by improving their resilience against extreme weather events and enhancing their adaptive capacity through provision of climate adaptive livelihood options. The activities are in line with the priorities set under the National Action Plan on Climate Change and the State Action Plan on Climate Change of Odisha. The achievements of this project would also add towards meeting India’s Nationally Determined contribution (NDCs) and is also expected to shape the direction of the National Coastal Mission.