The United Nations Volunteers (UNV) has been a partner of the UNDP-GEF CBA Project since 2009. UNV supports the UNDP-GEF CBA projects in 7 of the 10 pilot countries in helping communities adapt to climate change-driven risks and aids in ensuring that their livelihoods are sustainable, whilst still protecting the environment. The UNDP-GEF CBA/UNV partnership's goal is to enhance community mobilization, recognize volunteers’ contribution and ensure inclusive participation around the project, as well as to facilitate the capacity building of partner NGOs and CBOs. In this iniative, UNV has developed "Volunteers’ Contributions to community-based adaptation (CBA) to climate change". The handbook focuses on orientating people to volunteering and its contribution in CBA projects, and measuring the involvement and impact of volunteers in the local CBA projects. It is designed as a training guide as well as a handbook so it can be used as a resource for yourself, or to train others that may be assisting you with CBA project implementation such as consultants or NGOs.