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Inequity is seen as a powerful barrier to climate action because it reinforces vulnerability to climate change impacts and prohibits participation in making changes through mitigation or adaptation. Addressing constraints and unequal power dynamics can enable rural women and typically marginalized and vulnerable groups to embrace transformative climate solutions, adopt adaptation measures and strengthen their resilience.
As the international community becomes more aware of the “gender gap” in the agriculture sectors and the importance of the role of women and marginalized groups in climate change solutions, commitments to integrate gender and social inclusion in climate change policies have increased. Article 7 of the Paris Agreement, Sustainable Development Goal 5 on gender equality under Agenda 2030 and the UNFCCC enhanced Lima work programme on gender and its gender action plan are all indications of progress towards integrating gender and social inclusion in the global response to climate change.
However, the planning process around NDCs and NAPs do not always capture the specific needs and barriers experienced by women and marginalized groups in the agriculture sectors. Countries are increasingly requesting support to address gender equality, women’s empowerment, and social equity in policies. This is becoming even more important because of the social biases and gender-based discrimination that have worsened since the COVID-19 outbreak.
SCALA’s role
Gender and social inclusion are mainstreamed throughout the work of all 12 SCALA partner countries, building on the achievements of the NAP-Ag Programme. SCALA focuses on:
- integrating gender and social analysis as well as gender-responsive, inclusive consultative approaches into climate assessments
- integrating gender-responsive and socially inclusive priorities into plans and budgets
- supporting the equitable allocation of resources and the design of gender-responsive projects
The programme’s approach is closely linked to the UNDP Gender Equality Strategy 2018-2021 and FAO’s Policy on Gender Equality 2020-2030.
When you think farmer – think female!
How to advocate for gender equality in the response to climate change
Mainstreaming gender equality into budgeting and planning processes for climate action
Gender in adaptation planning for the agriculture sectors: Guide for Trainers