Upcoming Event: The 5th Asia-Pacific Climate Change Adaptation Forum
Oct17-19, 2016, Colombo, Sri Lanka - The Asia Pacific Adaptation Network (APAN) will organise the Fifth Asia-Pacific Climate Change Adaptation Forum to facilitate exchange of knowledge, share experiences and forge even greater partnerships with governments, civil society organizations and businesses. The Forum is hosted by the Ministry of Mahaweli Development and Environment, Government of Sri Lanka.
The forum, themed “Adapting and Living below 2°C: Bridging the Gaps in Policy & Practice”, will welcome more than 800 participants and bring together policymakers, scientists, donors, youth, and representatives from over 50 countries. During the three-day forum, adaptation practitioners around the world will be able to share their adaptation experience and discuss the implementation of their commitments to four major global agreements relevant to adaptation in 2015. Finance for Development in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia; the Sustainable Development Goals in New York, USA; the Paris Agreement (CoP21) in Paris, France; and the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction in Sendai, Japan.
Participants will attend more than 30 sessions in this year’s forum, which is divided into four streams: Adaptation Planning; Financing for Adaptation; Climate Resilient Development and Multi-actor Cross Learning. Within each stream, sessions are carefully planned to touch on different segments that are challenging yet crucial to the success of adaptation works around the world.
In the Adaptation Planning stream, jointly facilitated by UNDP and UNEP, for example, practitioners will discuss and share lessons on developing legal frameworks, coordinating policy initiatives in South Asia and East Asia, approaches to foster participation, using economics of adaptation at country level to build evidence as well as enhancing monitoring approaches and tools for adaptation planning.
In the Financing for Development stream, jointly facilitated by the Asian Development Bank and UNDP, partners will take a fresh look at approaches and experiences that can help scale up financing. Topics tackled will include integrating climate into budgets, mobilizing the private sector, considering risk transfer and insurance, gauging experiences of countries on access, as well as reviewing mechanisms that enable financing both public and private..
Since its first event in 2010, the forum has acted as the primary regional platform for adaptation practitioners to meet, learn and work collectively to bring about solutions addressing challenges of climate change.
About the structure of APAN
The UNEP Regional Office for Asia-Pacific is the secretariat for APAN. Core partners include Institute of Global Environmental Strategies (IGES), Regional Resource Centre for Asia and the Pacific (RRC.AP) and Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI).
APAN is governed by a Steering Committee that comprises renowned climate change scientists and senior government officials and representatives from donor agencies. APAN is supported by the Ministry of the Environment, Japan, the Asian Development Bank, the USAID funded ADAPT Asia- Pacific project and others.