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Recordings and Presentations

Tuesday 20 November 2018

The landscape of climate planning instruments available to countries under the UNFCCC process includes National Adaptation Plans (NAPs), Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and Long Term Strategies (LTS).  These instruments have emerged at different milestones such as the Cancun Adaptation Framework and the Paris Agreement and have specific characteristics and objectives which can contribute to and reinforce each other if leveraged effectively. Despite their very distinctive nature, these national instruments can be harnessed to scale up climate change adaptation by fostering linkages depending upon country context.

Addressing climate resilience in sectors and across sectors is a vital part of climate planning. Adaptation in agriculture is a crucial component of building resilient economies and societies and is national priority for a significant number of countries. It is well established that agricultural sectors are amongst the most climate sensitive. Over 90 percent of developing countries’ NDCs refer to agriculture as a major priority.

The juxtaposition of the range of climate planning instruments on one hand, and the sensitivity of agriculture on the other requires that all instruments be linked, sequenced and aligned appropriately by countries to best fit their national circumstances.

The webinar will draw upon country-level experiences from NAP-Ag partner countries to highlight entry points for alignment and strategies to trigger this conversation. 

Webinar highlights

  • Unpacking the characteristics of NAPs, NDCs and LTS.
  • Exploring steps being taken by ministries of agriculture, ministries of environment, water and finance to leverage these instruments to scale up climate adaptation in agriculture.
  • Identifying what linkages are already being fostered between NAPs, NDCs and LTS and the key considerations in advancing climate change adaptation in agriculture.


Speakers and Materials

  • Introduction to the Webinar – Julia Wolf, FAO


  • Landscape of climate planning instriments: NAPS, NDCs and LTS and the opportunities for alignment - Rohini Kohli, UNDP


  • Country perspectives: exploring linkages between NAPs and NDCs - Anika Terton (IISD) and Malte Maass (GIZ) 


  • How have the structures and capacities built under the NAP process supported NDC implementation plans? - Willy Kakuru, FAO


  • CO-benefits of adaptation and mitigation - Cecilia Jones, FAO


  • Q&A with Rohini Kohli and Malte Maass


  • Q&A with Willy Kakuru and Cecilia Jones










  • Practitioners working on NAPs and NDCs, and Long Term strategies,  including the public sector, Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) experts, civil society organizations, academia and the private sector
  • NAP-Ag Programme partner countries - Colombia, The Gambia, Guatemala, Kenya, Nepal, Philippines, Thailand, Uganda, Uruguay, Viet Nam and Zambia – and other LDC and DC focal points in key Ministries such as Agriculture, Livestock, Forestry, Fisheries, Environment, Finance, Planning and other relevant institutions involved in the NAP process 
  • Members of the NAP-Ag platform (D-groups platforms), FEBA community, FAO-SAAS community (Scaling up of Adaptation in the Agricultural Sectors)
  • Partner agencies: GIZ, NAP Global Network, UNFCCC, UNITAR, BMU, NAP-Global Support Programme