Integrating Agriculture in National Adaptation Plans (NAP-Ag)
News & Events
Why implementing a systems-wide approach and boosting private sector engagement in agriculture and land-use is part of the climate solution.
To bridge the gender gap, FAO and UNDP work with countries to empower women and achieve gender equality in the agriculture sector for a more sustainable future that will benefit all.
Mainstreaming fisheries and aquaculture in climate change adaptation - New guidelines for adaptation
The fisheries and aquaculture sector has one of the lowest carbon footprints among all food production systems, while supporting livelihoods of millions of people.
Written by Giang Huong Phan and Janto S. Hess of UNDP Viet Nam.
With the FAO-UNDP joint programme on Integrating Agriculture into National Adaptation Plans (NAP-Ag) phasing out in 2020, the momentum and work achieved under the 5-year programme have not.
Forests and trees provide so called nature-based solutions for adaptation helping other sectors build resilience.
Otra actividad clave abarca la identificación y priorización de prácticas o medidas de adaptación para el sector agrícola de Guatemala.
Implementing and improving the monitoring system of the sector and identifying key adaptation measures is essential for developing a more ambitious NDC.
This webinar provided an overview of key steps for the development of a national monitoring and evaluation (M&E) systems for tracking adaptation in the agriculture sectors.
The UNDP NDC Support Programme and FAO-UNDP “Integrating Agriculture in National Adaptation Plans” (NAP-Ag) Programme are co-organizing a webinar on mainstreaming gender in adaptation planning for the agriculture sectors.