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Tuvaluans determined to stay put are fighting challenges from rising tides to depopulation

Talua Nivaga is determined to save his homeland.

As the co-founder of Tuvaluan youth climate group Fulifafou, he's watched the rising seas encroach and swallow parts of his island nation.

While many Tuvaluans are considering migrating to escape the worsening effects of climate change, Mr Nivaga has told the ABC he is resolute in staying and fighting for the future of Tuvalu.

"What is an absolute and certain need of the people is action — there's so much talk that has been done," he said.

How Tuvalu is using technology to adapt to rising sea levels

Tuvalu is a small island nation in the Pacific Ocean facing the threat of rising sea levels. By 2050, it is estimated that half the capital, Fogafale, will be flooded by tidal waters. 

The Tuvalu government and UNDP are developing a Long-Term Adaptation Plan (L-TAP) to provide comprehensive national solutions to sea level rise beyond 2100. The vision of the L-TAP is to create 3.6 square kilometres of raised, safe land with staged relocation of people and infrastructure over time.

Launch of a new GEF-funded project to support Sri Lanka in monitoring and tracking progress of climate commitments

Funded by the Global Environment Facility, the project ‘Development of the First Biennial Transparency Report, the Second Biennial Transparency Report and the Fourth National Communication of Sri Lanka to UNFCCC’ will be implemented by the Ministry of Environment together with UNDP in Sri Lanka, and will support the Government to prepare the First & Second Biennial Transparency Reports and the Fourth National Communication.

Driving rapid climate action: 10 new GCF-funded projects ready for delivery

Ten new GCF-funded projects, including the UNDP-supported Coastal Resilience Project in Tonga, are on track for implementation, with two projects in Bhutan and Malawi setting record times for rapid delivery. Steps were accelerated by the Fund to get projects out-the-door as quickly as possible upon their approval by the GCF Board.

GCF signed Funded Activity Agreements (FAA) for 10 projects immediately after their approval at the 39th meeting of the GCF Board.