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Knowledge Products

Using metrics to assess progress towards the Paris Agreement’s Global Goal on Adaptation
This publication serves as a guide for countries in exploring how reporting for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) indicators under FAO custodianship serves the scope of compiling information for the biennial transparency reports (BRT) under the Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF).
Private sector mapping, outreach, and engagement in climate-responsive agrifood systems
This guidance note illustrates three broad intervention areas. These interventions are crucial to addressing barriers to private sector engagement (PSE) in climate action such as a perceived gap in the alignment of public and private sector objectives, a limited understanding of climate risks and business opportunities, insufficient incentives, and a lack opportunities and investable ideas that are of adequate scale which offer risk adjusted returns for their investment.
Booklet on glacier grafting | GLOF-II Pakistan | 2022

As the globe warms up due to the impact of climate change, the glaciers of Gilgit Baltistan and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa in Pakistan are beginning to melt at an increasingly fast pace, resulting in catastrophic disasters like glacial lake outburst floods (GLOFs). In response to the melting glaciers, an indigenous practice of glacier grafting has been preserved by the people of Baltistan known as ‘Gang Khswa’ in their native language, meaning to ‘nurture with deep affection’.



Booklet on avalanche harvesting, an indigenous solution for water conservation | GLOF-II Pakistan | 2022

With climate change and rising temperatures, the accumulated snow on high ridges and mountains rolls downhill, carrying with it huge bulks of debris without any water- commonly known as Avalanche.

Booklet on ice stupas | GLOF-II Pakistan

Amid the climate crisis, nature-based indigenous solutions such as ice stupas ensure evidence-based and transformative changes to build the climate resilience of these mountain ecosystems.

Handbook for disaster risk management | GLOF-II Pakistan | October 2022

A handbook for training government officials in disaster risk management, including key concepts and terms, case studies, an overview of global policies and frameworks for DRR and in the domestic context, a checklist of roles of district line departments in disaster management and more.

SCALA Private Sector Engagement Facility Brief

This document outlines the funding call for accessing the SCALA Private Sector Engagement Facility to enhance private sector engagement under the UNDP-FAO “Support Programme on Scaling up Climate Ambition on Land Use and Agriculture through NDCs and NAPs” (SCALA). The objective of the facility is to support countries to accelerate investments in low-carbon and climate-resilience agriculture practices by mobilizing private sector actors in nationally determined contributions (NDC) and National Adaptation Plans (NAP) implementation.

Skills Assessment for National Adaptation Planning: A new and interactive methodology

The skills assessment framework is a field based tool that was created to provide a rapid mean of collecting and analyzing information on a country’s existing skills profile for national adaptation planning. In order to understand the skills gaps, it is very important to have an organized approach and tools that assist those assigned to carry out the assessment. 

UNDP’s Outlook on Communities and Local Resilience in the Asia-Pacific

Leading up to the 7th Asia-Pacific Climate Change Adaptation Forum in March 2021, UNDP delivered an Outlook paper on Communities and Local Resilience. The focus of this background document is on communities and local resilience and it presents information on progress, gaps and challenges in strengthening resilience of communities, around the five key enablers that guided the discussions at 7th Asia-Pacific Climate Change Adaptation Network (APAN) Forum: policy and climate governance; planning and processes; science and assessment; technologies and practices; and finance and investment.

Design of Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting System of Marine and Coastal Zones in Guatemala | July 2020

Document outlining the design and development of the Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting System (MER) for Marine-Coastal Zones for the Climate Change Adaptation Component of the National Climate Change Information System (SNICC), with the establishment of baselines and Indicators in priority areas of biological importance.

Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (MARN) with the support of UNDP's NDC Support Programme.