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This brief explains the relevance of private sector engagement to SCALA, outlines proposed interventions to address this topic in the SCALA country work plans and summarizes useful resources as well as support available from the global team. Within the private sector, it is important to highlight the key role played by agri-businesses in ensuring the sustainable development of AFOLU sectors, given their impact on natural capital (deforestation and  the  loss  of  biodiversity),  social  issues  (human  rights,  decent  work, gender  equality  and  land tenure security) and the livelihoods of communities on a local level. At the same time smallholder farmers are key enablers of agri-business  value  chains.  Developing  viable  resilient  livelihood strategies,  including  through  increased  market  access  and  market  development  opportunities  for smallholders, is thus critical  to ensure the  growth and resilience of the AFOLU sectors, ultimately benefiting both agri-businesses and smallholder farming communities.