These training materials on addressing agriculture in National Adaptation Plans (NAPs) are designed to enhance the sector-specific understanding of the NAP process and advance country-level NAP formulation and implementation. It offers step-by-step guidance to move forward with the different elements of the NAP process, addressing relevant challenges through ad-hoc solutions in the agriculture sector. This set of training materials presents concrete experiences from countries across Africa, Asia, and Latin America.
Content and learning objectives
These training materials on addressing agriculture in NAPs synthesizes valuable know-how on adaptation planning and operationalization in agriculture. It consists of seven Modules, which have been arranged according to the NAP cycle: from formulation to implementation, monitoring, and evaluation. Each module also contains a wealth of links to other resources on the topics that are addressed.
Module 1 - Conceptual understanding of the NAP process | Notes.
Module 2 - NAP elements | Notes.
Module 3 - Climate data, risk assessments and the use of climate services in adaptation planning | Notes.
Module 4 - Identifying and prioritizing adaptation options | Notes.
Module 5 - From NAP formulation to NAP implementation | Notes.
Module 6 - Financing the NAP process | Notes.
Module 7 - Monitor, Evaluation and Review | Notes.
For more detailed information regarding this training material, please consult the accompanying notes document, which provides valuable details.
These training materials on addressing agriculture in NAPs are directed to assist countries to define their national adaptation pathway for the agriculture sectors, by building on existing adaptation policies, programmes, and activities.
These training materials are conceived to inform a diverse audience, including staff from ministries involved in adaptation planning and related budgeting processes, and policy negotiations. Especially, these set of materials were used in workshops that targeted technical experts in ministries of agriculture (including forestry, livestock, and fisheries), environment, planning, and finance, as well as national focal points of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).
As these materials are published, it can also serve the scope of informing climate and/or agriculture specialists from academia, research institutes, intergovernmental agencies, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and the private sector involved in the NAP process.
This set of training materials on addressing agriculture in NAPs is tailored to countries’ needs and priorities. The modules have been used as self-paced courses for individual training or the organization of a workshop of a duration from one to four days. Currently, the training materials are available in English.
These training materials on addressing agriculture in NAPs builds on the knowledge base of resources, case studies, technical guidance, and lessons learned gained during the implementation of the Integrating Agriculture in National Adaptation Plan (NAP-Ag) and the SCALA programme.