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Women as Agents of Change for Greening Agriculture and Reducing Gender Inequality

The policy brief highlights the essentiality of women in agriculture and their potential role in shifting to sustainable agriculture, increasing food security and increasing agricultural productivity when they have access and ability to adopt innovative agriculture techniques such as climate-smart agriculture practices (CSA).

Rethinking our Food Systems: A Guide for Multi-stakeholder Collaboration

​UNEP, FAO, and UNDP have come together to consolidate learnings and tools, gathered from within and beyond the three UN agencies in order to provide a practical guide for multi-stakeholder collaboration. This guide is intended for institutions and facilitators responsible for leading multi-stakeholder initiatives that are inclusive of government and essential non-governmental actors committed to contributing to the sustainable transformation of food systems.

Five approaches to build functional early warning systems

Throughout the years, the various United Nations agencies, funds, and programmes have played an important role in promoting and developing a culture of preparedness and prevention. The UN has underlined the value of prevention strategies on multiple occasions, not only by encouragement, but also through a number of projects, conferences, and platforms.

Early Warning System (EWS) Standard Operating Procedures | Cambodia

This new set of standard operating procedures (SOP) was developed by expanding scope of the existing SOP, which focused primarily on flood-based early warning systems.

Forecast Application for Risk Management in Agriculture (FARM) School Manual | Cambodia

The FARM programme (short for Forecast Application for Risk Management in Agriculture) has been developed by Regional Integrated Multi-Hazard Early Warning System for Africa and Asia (RIMES) and is to be used by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries as a standard training programme for the use of climate information in agricultural practices. As well as teaching aspects of climate monitoring, prediction and forecasting application (localized to the context), the curriculum facilitates regular discussions between farmers, extension workers and meteorological authorities.

Specialized Expert System for Agro-Meteorological Early Warning (SESAME) Expert Users Guide | Cambodia

Cambodia is highly dependent on agriculture as a major industry and source of food, with high levels of subsistence farming in the country. The Specialized Expert System for Agro-Meteorological Early Warning (known as ‘SESAME’) has been developed in order to allow better integration of climate information into this sector. SESAME will allow various government departments to coordinate and create crop advisories for farmers, localized to each province, crop and growth stage of that crop.

Forecast Customization System (FOCUS) User Guide | Cambodia

The Forecast Customization System (known as ‘FOCUS’) has been developed by the Region Integrated Multi-Hazard Early Warning System alongside UNDP, and Cambodia’s Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries and Ministry of Water Resources and Meteorology. Designed specifically for the Cambodian context, this guide outlines how to access and use the FOCUS system, which will enable forecasters at Cambodia’s Department of Meteorology to better predict upcoming weather and climate conditions.

FARM Field School Training of Trainers’ Manual (August 2019)
Monitoring and Evaluation Manual for the Community Climate Change Adaptation Fund

A best practice from the project included the development of an M&E Manual to evaluate community project impacts. This manual presents a manual on how to evaluate similar future projects and generate capacities at a community level for monitoring impact on resilience.