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SCALA COP29 side events
11 Noviembre 2024 - 22 Noviembre 2024
The UNDP-FAO co-organized SCALA programme side events at COP29 in Baku, Azerbaijan, covered topics on leveraging synergies on Nature-based Solutions and climate action for NDC and National Adaptation Plan implementation, as well as the launch of the UNDP-FAO Climate Action Review (CAR) Tool for accelerating climate action in agriculture and land use.
Enhancing Private Sector Engagement for Adaptation
17 Octubre 2024
As part of its support to the UN Secretary General-led Adaptation Pipeline Accelerator (APA) initiative, UNDP organized a series of knowledge exchanges with the FAO-UNDP SCALA programme on adaptation finance with partners. These exchanges aimed to facilitate knowledge exchange on accelerating adaptation through emerging experiences in developing countries. It explored available tools and methodologies, best practices, and lessons learned.
Integrated Solutions for Nature and Climate Change Adaptation
12 Septiembre 2024
The seventh webinar of the Adaptation Pipeline Accelerator (APA) series was co-organized by BIOFIN and UNDP-FAO SCALA initiatives and aimed to inform participants about various tools, frameworks, and finance solutions that can benefit climate change adaptation and nature goals and practical experiences from countries.
Integrating climate change into planning and budgeting for agriculture and land use
13 Junio 2024

This webinar discussed strategies for integrating climate change into national and sectoral budgeting and planning through experiences shared by two countries: Nepal and Uganda. Governments around the world are increasingly recognizing the need to invest in climate change as climate-induced shocks continue to impede sustainable development and economic stability. 

Building Effective Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Systems for Climate Resilience
22 Noviembre 2023
This webinar discussed the national and sectoral experiences on building monitoring, evaluation and learning systems, as well as global dimensions of gauging adaptation progress. With several countries advancing on their National Adaptation Plans, emerging insights were shared at the national level. Sectoral experiences and tools applied in agriculture were also presented.
Engaging the Private Sector for Adaptation
12 Octubre 2023

Developing countries need an estimated US$340 billion by 2030 to adapt to the impacts of climate change (UNEP). However, only a small share of global climate finance is dedicated to adaptation ($46 billion out of $632 billion) and it is largely funded by public sources (CPI). Data on private finance for adaptation is largely missing; CPI estimates less than 2 percent of the total adaptation finance can be tracked to private sources. At the same time, WEF estimates the adaptation market could be worth $2 trillion annually by 2026.

Webinar: Mainstreaming gender equality in budgeting and planning processes for enhanced implementation of the agriculture sector priorities in climate plans
06 Octubre 2022
This webinar was hosted by the Paris Committee on Capacity Building (PCCB) Network, and organized by UNDP and FAO with support from Germany's International Climate Initiative (IKI) and showcased examples of integrating gender into climate planning and implementation – at national and local levels – for more effective and impactful climate action in the agriculture sector.
Webinar: Systems-level assessments II (Internal)
28 Junio 2022

This webinar was organized to target all colleagues in FAO and UNDP country, regional and global offices working under the SCALA programme, including any national consultants who may be undertaking systems-level assessments and relevant government counterparts who might be engaged in carrying out the systems-level assessments at the country level. The webinar was designed as a follow up to the systems-level assessments webinar hosted by the SCALA global team in March 2022, on the key elements of systems-level assessments and related methodological approaches, tools and resources.

Joint SCALA & FACS team webinar: An Introduction to Effective Collaborative Action
21 Junio 2022

The Scaling up Climate Ambition on Land Use and Agriculture through NDCs and NAPs (SCALA) programme and UNDP's FACS team organized an interactive and engaging event on 21 June and 28 June. The webinar aimed to highlight why collaboration is needed in support of NDC and NAP implementation in the agriculture and land use sectors. It also provided an overview of UNDP’s Effective Collaborative Action methodology, along with the history and lessons learnt in its application.

Webinar: Systems-level assessments I (Internal)
09 Marzo 2022
This webinar was organized to target all colleagues in FAO and UNDP country, regional and global offices working under the SCALA programme, including any national consultants who may be undertaking systems-level assessments and relevant government counterparts who might be engaged in carrying out the systems-level assessments at the country level.
Webinar: Strengthening value chain approaches to accelerate climate action
07 Septiembre 2021
The Scaling up Climate Ambition on Land Use and Agriculture through NDCs and NAPs (SCALA) programme organized a webinar on integrating climate resilience in value chain analysis.